December 2014 – January 2015
Sub Team: CTOP Naming
Action: Create recommendation altering the naming convention based on proposed naming conventions discussed above. This information as well as some sheets on all the current names of TMIs was sent to Phil to rework into a draft document for distribution.
Mike Murphy
Lisa Ake
Dave Vogt
Darin Tietjen
Phil Smith
Mike Sterenchuk
Sub Team: IM Tablet
The CDM FET has been working on a concept for improving communication. The current process of utilizing phone calls, telcons and hotlines are antiquated and time consuming. In a time of instant communication the air traffic community is tethered to a phone for even the simplest request. The utilization of currently available technology will allow the processing of information in a laser quick manner, thereby reducing coordination and delays throughout the system.
Al Mahilo
Ron Foley
Dave Vogt
Sub Team: Post Analysis Tool
The FET met during the week of October 21-24 and discussed possible tasking assignments. In our current tasking related to reroute implementation, the group found several areas of opportunity for improving current processes. This specific document provides information to the group working the need for improved post-operations analysis and also requests that the FET be tasked with identifying recommendations for such capabilities from a traffic flow management and flight operations control perspective.
Lisa Ake
Phil Smith
John Martin
Bob Ocon
Tim Niznik
Sub Team: Web Planning
Action: CSG approved the FET to continue to investigate the idea of a web-based planning tool to support the planning process. The team would like to invite meteorology and conduct a test using this platform for a “fake” planning call at one of our upcoming telcons for the team, to just create a sample of how it would look in real-world application.
Mike Murphy
Darin Tietjen
Lisa Ake
Ernie Stellings
Sub Team: SARA (Situational Awareness and Route Availability)
ATCTs, TRACONS, ARTCCS, and Customers need a web based, user friendly & configurable graphical display of route availability when constraints impact route access. This tool needs to be a flexible prototype on a web-based platform that can be readily changed or adapted from ideas generated by the users. The tool will provide exchange of information by allowing all stakeholders the capability to use a chat feature to share information and ideas.
John Martin
Bob Ocon
Al Mahilo
Mike Sterenchuk
Ernie Stellings
THIS TELCON IS CANCELLED due to scheduling issues
Sub Team: CTOP Naming
Action: Create recommendation altering the naming convention based on proposed naming conventions discussed above. This information as well as some sheets on all the current names of TMIs was sent to Phil to rework into a draft document for distribution.
Mike Murphy
Lisa Ake
Dave Vogt
Darin Tietjen
Phil Smith
Mike Sterenchuk
Meeting Times 08:30 – 4:00