Data Format

One of the CDM group’s greatest successes is the implementation of real-time data exchange between the FAA and its customers. CDM’s success depends upon its participants’ access to real-time, current data to effectively plan daily NAS operations.
Determining the actual data and format to use when exchanging information is a methodical process. The CDM group must first determine which data are crucial to NAS operations and whether or not that data is in an acceptable format to be exchanged over the current CDM communication networks, the CDMNet.

Using the links above, you can see the data items that have been candidates for exchange, the work of the data integration team to format the data candidates, and data exchange formats and protocols.

Products Related to Data Exchange:
TFM Processing Center (TPC)
Data Archive
TFMData Service FAQ

The TFMData interface documents JMSDD (Java Messaging Service Description Document) and XSD (XML Schema Definition) are available for download from the FAA’s NAS Service Registry and Repository (NSRR).

To access the TFMData Service documentation from NSRR:

  1. Login to NSRR at
    (If you don’t already have NSRR access, new accounts can be requested here)
  2. In the “SEARCH” pulldown, select “Search Documents”
  3. Enter the following search terms, and then click “Search”:
    +tfmdata   +schema   +zip
  4. In the Results list, click on the desired document to view or save:
    – For TFMData v3.0 (released in TFMS Release 14):
    – For TFMData v2.0.5 (released in TFMS Release 13):

    Note: The zip file contains all TFMData Service documents (JMSDD and XSD)

    Refer to the below powerpoint document for details on how to download the TFMData documentation.
    (Slides are best viewed in slideshow mode due to animations.)
    TFMData download instructions