CDMNet refers to the communications networks that link the Airline  Operational Control (AOC) centers, Air Traffic Control System Command Center  (ATCSCC) and the TFM Production Center (TPC). There are two communication link  options available:

1. AOCnet –  ARINC’s Airline Operations Center (AOC) network—AOCnet—is a TCP/IP-based  communication service that connects air carriers throughout North America and  Europe to the FAA’s William J. Hughes Technical Center. AOCnet routers and  circuits are monitored 24×7 to ensure high availability, and as part of the  AOCnet service, ARINC also manages customer access to the FAA’s Disaster  Recovery Center (DRC).  In times of an  FAA failover to DRC, ARINC will perform network reroutes so that customer  reconfiguration of end systems is not required. Further information on ARINCs  AOCNet can be found at

2. NESG – A  secure connection can be established via the FAA’s Security Gateway via for  non-FAA connected systems. This infrastructure supports the establishment of virtual  connections between the TFM system and external systems of the CDM  participants.  NESG services can extend  the TFM IP network into an “extranet” over non-FAA transport resources (such as  the Internet or Dedicated Transmission Services, DTSs).

The CDMnet allows users the capability for two-way data  exchange of real-time information enabling the distribution of Aircraft  Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) data as well as the timely exchange of  Collaborative Decision Making information and time-critical operational activities. Currently, AOCs send real time schedule updates via the CDMnet to  the TPC, which then integrates these updates with NAS messages and other TFM  data. The integrated prediction of activity at airports and Flow Constraint  Areas (FCAs) is then sent back to the AOCs and ATCSCC in the form of an  Aggregate Demand List (ADL).

The CDMnet currently supports data exchange for:

  • Delay  Programs – Ground Delay Programs (GDPs), Ground Stops (GSs), and Airspace Flow  Programs (AFPs)
  • Collaborate  Routing (ReRoutes)
  • Aircraft  Situational Display to industry (ASDI)
  • TFM Data  to Industry (TFMDI) – Definitions of operational ReRoutes and initial flight  lists, and definitions of operational Flow Evaluation Areas (FEAs) and FCAs



CDM Net File Listing:

CDMnetVendorList_030701rev.pdf 12.7 KB 9/24/2015 7:15 pm